Amy Galea 

Part 1 Architecture Student 

I am an architecture student, graduating with my Part 1 Ba(Hons) Architecture/ Architecture International this July 2024. I'm eager to showcase my portfolio and the design projects I have worked on over the past 3 years. 



As a student studying Ba(Hons) Architecture Part 1 at the University of Huddersfield, and set to graduate this coming July. I'm looking for a RIBA Part 1 Architectural Assistant position to further my career development.

I am currently employed part-time at Park Designed Architects during my third year of studies, where I have gained experience in various projects across multiple sectors. 

My future goals are to complete my Part 2 and Part 3 studies to becoming a Chartered Architect. I am enthusiastic about continuing my academic knowledge, and practical experience in real-world projects. 

Grad show 2024 🎓

For anyone interested in visiting the exhibition, it will be up until 11.06.2024, anyone can visit!

I am very grateful to have received the West Yorkshire Society of Architects Prize 2024, during a lovely evening showcasing my final year projects. Celebrating along side so many amazing people, friends and family.

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